The IHSF is part of an ongoing cooperation project to study the early years of the Austrian school of national economics in the 1920s and 30s.
At the cradle of the neoliberal turn stood representatives of the “Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie” (Austrian school of national economy, ÖSN), such as Friedrich August [von] Hayek and Ludwig [von] Mises. Since the start of their careers, both had not “only” been researchers, but also eminent political figures.
In a cooperation project of the IHSF, the economical science department of the Arbeiterkammer (Chamber of Labor), and the Institute for Economic and Social History of the University of Vienna, David Mayer and Berthold Molden study the ÖSN not as usual as an economic science movement, bus as a political one. Their focus lies on the years of 1918 to 1945.
Follow this link to read the report.