(Demanded Fought Achieved)
Responsible for the project:
Peter Autengruber, Sabine Lichtenberger, Marliese Mendel
Union work as reflected in the Austrian press.
This publication’s aim is to tell the story of the development of the Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund (Austrian Trade Union Federation, ÖGB) and its unions, and in particular the unionist demands, battles, and successes achieved for workers, as reflected by the front pages of Austrian newspapers. Main focuses are the right to strike, working hours, pay, codetermination, health and safety, social security, and solidarity. The publication was adapted for several unions and was published in 2017 in multiple editions.
Autengruber, Peter/Lichtenberger, Sabine/Mendel, Marliese, Gefordert-Gekämpft-Erreicht. Gewerkschaftsarbeit in österreichischen Tageszeitungen seit 1945, Wien 2017.