(Half your life is spent at work)
Responsible for the project:
Sabine Lichtenberger, Günther Müller
Under the motto “Half your life is spent at work” working people were asked to write about their perception of work life.
Wage and salaried workers, employees of the service and nursing industries, teachers, and many others sent in their contributions. Günter Müller and Sabine Lichtenberger edited the reports, which together show a kaleidoscope of experiences with the extensive changes in work life in Austria since 1945. At the same time the contributions illustrate coping mechanisms, with traits such as gender or age playing a central role.
Sabine Lichtenberger / Günter Müller (Hg.), Arbeit ist das halbe Leben. Erzählungen vom Wandel der Arbeitswelt seit 1945, Wien 2012.