© Drava Verlag
Buchcover: Rote Tränen

Rote Tränen

(Red tears)

Responsible for the project: 

Konstantin Kaiser, Jan Kreisky und Sabine Lichtenberger

The destruction of worker culture by Fascism and National Socialism.

The yearbook “Zwischenwelt” (volume 14) of the Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft published by Sabine Lichtenberger, Konstantin Kaiser and Jan Kreisky summarizes the contributions to the international conference “Zerstörung der Arbeiterkultur durch Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus (in memoriam Herbert Exenberger)“ (Destruction of worker culture through Fascism and National Socialism) held in Vienna in November 2014. The articles in the volume illuminate various aspects of systematic repression of worker culture and the persecution of its leading figures in Austria.

Konstantin Kaiser/Jan Kreisky/Sabine Lichtenberger, Rote Tränen. Die Zerstörung der Arbeiterkultur durch Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus, Wien 2017

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