
    Portrait Florian Wenninger © Christopher Glanzl
    © Christopher Glanzl
    Portrait Florian Wenninger

    Head of Institute

    Mag. Dr. Florian Wenninger

    Head of Institute: Political scientist and historian, Senior Research Fellow and lecturer at the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna and at the FH Campus Wien;

    Member of the editorial board of the journal ‘Zeitgeschichte’. Head of the research project ‘Political Repression in Austria 1933-1938’.

    Research focus
    • Police and deviance
    • Dictatorship and transformation
    • Historical identity formation

    Recent Publications

    • With Hendrik Wagenaar 2020: Deliberative Policy Analysis, Interconnectedness and Institutional Design: Lessons from „Red Vienna“, in: Policy Studies, 41. Jahrgang H 4, 411-437, DOI: 10.1080/01442872.2020.1717456.
    • „Ein Brückenkopf des Deutschtums in Südost?“ Die Schwarze Reichswehr in Österreich 1919-1922, in: Hänni, Adrian/Rickenbacher, Daniel/Schmutz, Thomas (Hg.), Über Grenzen hinweg. Transnationale politische Gewalt im 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt 2020, 91-123.
    • „The Duty to Express Value Judgments“. Charles Adams Gulick, Interwar Austria and the Question of Political Neutrality as a Scholarly Virtue, in: Contemporary Austrian Studies 28/2019, 241-279.
    Portrait Sabine Lichteneberger © Sabine Lichtenberger
    Portrait Sabine Lichteneberger © Sabine Lichtenberger

    Mag.a Sabine Lichtenberger

    Scientific staff: historian, member of the editorial committee of the magazine ‘Arbeit & Wirtschaft’.

    Research focus

    • Austrian contemporary history
    • History of the Austrian labour and trade union movement
    • History of Austrian labour and social law
    • Biographical research (with special consideration of women's and gender history)

    Recent Publications

    Portrait Charlotte Rönchen © Charlotte Rönchen
    Portrait Rönchen © Charlotte Rönchen

    Charlotte Rönchen, MA

    Scientific staff: Historian

    Research focus

    • Labour history / Labour movement history
    • Social history
    • Austrian interwar period

    Current Projects

    • Collective biography of social democratic paramilitaries in the interwar period (Republikanischer Schutzbund)
    • A social history of abortion in Austria from 1918 to 1938

    Portrait Paul Dvorak © Paul Dvorak
    Portrait Paul Dvorak © Paul Dvorak

    Paul Dvořak, MA

    Scientific staff and archivist: Historian


    • History of the labour movement
    • History of the modern era in Europe
    • Provenance research

    Current Projects

    Portrait Nora Linnerud © Nora Linnerud
    Portrait Nora Linnerud © Nora Linnerud

    Nora Linnerud, BA

    Project management and administration: Historian

    • Theodor Körner Fund
    • Edith Saurer Fund
    Portrait Jonas Lehr © privat
    Portrait Jonas Lehr © privat

    Jonas Lehr, BA

    Project staff: Historian

    Rersearch focus

    • Austrofascism
    • Political Repression
    • National Socialist persecution in Vienna

    Current projects

    Portrait Frank Jacob © Frank Jacob
    Portrait Frank Jacob © Frank Jacob

    Univ.-Prof. DDr. Frank Jacob

    Senior Research Fellow: Professor of 19th and 20th Century Global History at North University, Bodø, Norway. Previously, he was Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the City University of New York (2014-2018) and Research Assistant at the Chair of Modern History at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (2013-2014).

    Research focus

    • Comparative revolutionary history and revolutionary theory
    • History of the labour movement
    • Transnational anarchism
    • Modern Japanese history

    Portrait Alexander Emanuely © privat
    Portrait Alexander Emanuely © privat

    Dr. Alexander Emanuely

    Senior Research Fellow

    Research focus

    • Civil society research
    • Workers' culture
    • Intellectual history

    Portrait Florence Klauda © Portrait Florence Klauda
    Portrait Florence Klauda © Portrait Florence Klauda

    Florence Klauda, BA MA

    Junior Research Fellow: ÖAW Doc fellow, historian

    Research focus

    • Comparative European Contemporary History
    • European history of democracy
    • History of knowledge

    Nike Kirnbauer © privat
    Nike Kirnbauer © privat

    Nike Kirnbauer, BA

    Intern: Historian

    Research focus

    • Social movements
    • Feminist and queer history
    • Relationships and networks

    Current projects