Head of Institute: Political scientist and historian, Senior Research Fellow and lecturer at the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna and at the FH Campus Wien;
Member of the editorial board of the journal ‘Zeitgeschichte’. Head of the research project ‘Political Repression in Austria 1933-1938’.
Scientific staff: historian, member of the editorial committee of the magazine ‘Arbeit & Wirtschaft’.
Research focus
Current Projects:
Recent Publications
Scientific staff: Historian
Research focus
Current Projects
Scientific staff and archivist: Historian
Current Projects
Project management and administration: Historian
Project staff: Historian
Rersearch focus
Current projects
Senior Research Fellow: Professor of 19th and 20th Century Global History at North University, Bodø, Norway. Previously, he was Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the City University of New York (2014-2018) and Research Assistant at the Chair of Modern History at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (2013-2014).
Research focus
Recent Publications
Senior Research Fellow
Research focus
Recent publications
Junior Research Fellow: ÖAW Doc fellow, historian
Research focus
Intern: Historian
Research focus
Current projects